Hosted Platforms

Why choose a hosted platform?

Global ASP’s administration platforms are securely hosted by Global ASP for remote access by clients.
Whereas high licensing costs associated with system ownership previously precluded a majority of customers from using our systems, the ASP model has provided a mechanism whereby Global ASP can lease (rent) our administration platforms on a per member per month basis making their world class functionality available to a wider market.

Other advantages of buying into a hosted model include:

  • Hardware costs relative to hosting are included in the monthly charge.
  • Our ASP brings with it a wealth of technical and business expertise from which the customer benefits, thus avoiding the steep and often expensive learning curve usually associated with purchasing a system outright. Partnering with Global ASP thus also allows the customer to focus on its core business.
  • Typical concerns regarding scalability as well as the costs of hardware and software upgrades and additional IT resources are effectively removed.
  • Customers benefit from enhancements and developments to the platform as a result of legislative and other changes/requirements.